Stratégie de marque DIY guidée
Want to be seen as an Expert in your industry?
MarketAPeel helps you figure out what you want to be known for and
then gets you known for it by creating content to tell your brand story.

We create a strategy to define your story and tell it to the marketplace.
MarketAPeel Agency manages your plan while creating the content to tell your brand story.

Brand Story
Want to to know more about brand storytelling and how it works?
MarketAPeel has created a brand storytelling guide to inform you about its benefits

Are you looking for a hands off approach to your content creation?
MarketAPeel Agency creates content to help you tell your brand story to the right people.

Shannon Peel
Want to know more about the person behind the brand?
Shannon Peel is a brand storyteller and the creative force behind the MarketAPeel brand.
Brand Storytelling Services
Brand Development and Definition
Brand Storytelling Clarity and Definition
Crafting Brand Stories - Copywriting
Custom Digital Magazine Strategy
Custom Digital Magazine Design
Custom Digital Magazine Publishing
Brand Story Publishing and Promotion on:
APeeling Digital Magazine
CurbAPeel Digital Magazine
BrandAPeel Podcast
Come to a CreateAPeel Webinar Event or Chat with Shannon Peel
Vous ne savez pas par où commencer lorsqu'il s'agit de créer du contenu pour raconter l'histoire de votre marque ?
Vous vous sentez submergé par l'énormité de raconter l'histoire de votre marque en ligne ? Vous n'êtes pas seul, beaucoup de gens ne font rien parce qu'ils ne savent pas quoi faire ou qu'ils ont abandonné parce qu'il n'y a eu aucun résultat dans leurs efforts de narration de marque. En matière de marketing de contenu ou de narration de marque, les gens sont tellement inondés de contenu qu'ils ne savent pas par où commencer. C'est pourquoi j'ai créé un programme pour aider les gens comme vous à construire une base solide pour vos campagnes de marketing de contenu et à construire votre marque une histoire à la fois.

Do it Self
Looking for information to give you ideas for your brand story creation?
UnPeeled blog and the BrandAPeel podcast are packed full of information to inspire your story.

We create a strategy to define your story and tell it to the marketplace.
MarketAPeel Agency manages your plan while creating the content to tell your brand story.

Want to build out your digital footprint and tell your brand story?
CreateAPeel members access courses, group coaching, networking, and collaboration.

Are you looking for a hands off approach to your content creation?
EyeAPeel photography visually tells your event's story and MarketAPeel creates all content
"Do it Self"
I knew I'd passed her independent streak on to my daughter when her first sentence was, "Do it Self."
MarketAPeel's platforms are filled with "Do it Self" content for those who like to figure things out, constantly learn, and strike out on their own. Whether you are just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey or you've owned a business for years, these platforms will provide you with information, inspiration, and motivation as you tell your brand story.

The APeeling digital magazines are ebooks of curated and unique content on topics such as, Change, Decision Making, Podcasting, Brand Storytelling, and more. Experience it today

The BrandAPeel: Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age Podcast shares Shannon's insights, her interviews with experts and business leaders to dive deeper into how to tell a brand story.

The UnPeeled blog shares articles written by Shannon Peel, experts, CreateAPeel members and the MarketAPeel community to help readers find solutions to their problems.

The MarketAPeel social community showcases agency clients and community members to help them increase their brand awareness and find the right audience for their story.
Free Brand Storytelling eBook Download
Learn what brand storytelling is and start defining your brand story to tell to the marketplace.

And So Much More...
Content created by community members, agency clients, and thought leaders
You will find more than how to tell a brand story on the MarketAPeel site. MarketAPeel is a community site where members, clients, and thought leaders share their stories, insights, tips and advice to help you find the solution you are looking for and the inspiration to create something new. Take some time to explore the site.