Beyond Trauma Group
À propos
You will meet other attendees and the presenters here in the Beyond Trauma Group. - If you have any questions please post them here and feel free to share your ideas to help people go beyond the trauma for a better life.
Watch Live at 9am PDT March 6-10
Replay - Day 1: Shannon Peel, Margaret Dennis, Lesley James
Replay Day 2: LaToya Zavala, Kristine Heagh-Avitt, Deb Porter
Replay Day 3: Rich Bontrager, Laura Mangum Broome, Pattie Grover
Replay Day 4: Agueda Nunes, Jenny Baltazar, Sara Im
Replay Day 5: Whitney Diamond, Panel, Shannon Peel
About the Beyond Trauma Summit and Presenter List
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5 février 2023
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